jueves, 7 de marzo de 2019

First session of the Hell Chess Festival 2019

And this the video final result of the First session of the Hell Chess Festival 2019:

All of them are former winners of The Hell Chess Festival in different categories.

......... EXIT, David King, (Best Director in 2016)
......... GIRL INDIGO, Sherry Wang,  (Best Film in 2017)
......... TODO POR GALACTUS, José Araujo, Rodrigo Lamoso (Best Writer in 2018)
......... OLTRE LA FINESTRA, Francesco Testi (Lola Manzano Best Acting in 2017)
......... MOVIE PUSSIES, Carlos Martín (Music homage 2016)
......... COLLAR, Enmanuel Russel (Special Audience Award 2018)
......... EL VELORIO, Gus Arteaga (Best Film and Best Acting to M. Balderas in 2018)

Plus we screen Official Selections to 2019:

........... Todo empezó así, Jorjesús, España (out of competition)
........... Be my Rebel, Nena & Dave Stewart, Germany (Official Selection)

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