lunes, 22 de julio de 2024

Call of Entries for 2025

The Hell Chess Film festival is an event celebrated in Campo de Gibraltar and Madrid, Spain. THE ONLY FILM FESTIVAL IN THE WORLD THAT SENDS A CUSTOMISED REVIEW TO ALL THE SUBMITTERS This year we got a special Festival with a final surprise of our mission in cinema life. We celebrate our screening and Awards Festival. We celebrate the commemoration of the great Hell Chess film made by From the ruin to Paradise society. This is our fifth Edition . This year you´ll receive a philosophical welcoming! We invite all artists from the whole world to participate. Every year since 2013, we project our Hell Chess film and we play chess in a tournament. But this year the thing is going to be completed with your artistic works. Including films and music. Make a better place to live with the best of your souls! And be elegant to express it!

lunes, 1 de julio de 2024

Official Selections and winners 2024

 These films are the finalist works for the Hell Chess Film festival 2024:



MOONSON MELODY ---------   BEST SONG ------------ JAGAN JAZZ





LUCY directed by Roberto Pill 

EVADIR HACHURA directed by Mehran Hajihashemi 


PODER DEL PUEBLO directed by Héctor Eduardo Rivera

THE DOUBLE ROOM directed by Martín Del Carpio

HAIRY DREAMS directed by Lina Cruz.

PLACENTA .--------------- Directed by MJ Golzari -------------------------  IRAN 

This film got inside its inner simplicity, (one actress, few minutes, no dialogues) a deep
suggestion about life, motherhood or the power to overcome circumstances.

HUNKY DORY ----------------- Directed by Steven Vander Merr ------------ USA

This animation piece is made in a very traditional way, funny, plenty of animal details, almost
a music video with funny transitions plenty of liberty.

EFFIGY HOUSE ---------- Directed by Deb Ethier ----------------- CANADA

The Deb Ethier´s  animation world is always tasteful, solitary and plenty of aesthetic mystery able to be interpreted in many ways.  A classic inside the Hell Chess imaginary.

MOONSON MELODY --------------  Directed by Jagan Jazz ------------------- INDIA

This song is plenty of the traditional quality of the indian music. It is a video with almost no movement
but good enough to be the support of this sweet song sung by Nipuni Herath.

ULTIMA ----------------- Directed by Thorsten Frenzel -------------------- GERMANY

Our selection recovers the final 7 minutes of the original film. This trip to the purgatory got many elements adequate with our vision of the spiritual world.

.------------------ ALL THE FILMS WILL BE SCREENED IN DELARUINALPARAISO HEADQUARTERS, AT MIDNIGHT  JULY 5 ------------------------------ Los Barrios, Spain.

domingo, 17 de diciembre de 2023

Call of entries 2024


The Hell Chess Film festival is an event celebrated in Campo de Gibraltar and Madrid, Spain. THE ONLY FILM FESTIVAL IN THE WORLD THAT SENDS A CUSTOMISED REVIEW TO ALL THE SUBMITTERS
This year we got a special Festival with a final surprise of our mission in cinema life.
We celebrate our screening and Awards Festival.
We celebrate the commemoration of the great Hell Chess film made by From the ruin to Paradise society. This is our fifth Edition .
This year you´ll receive a philosophical welcoming!
We invite all artists from the whole world to participate.
Every year since 2013, we project our Hell Chess film and we play chess in a tournament.
But this year the thing is going to be completed with your artistic works.
Including films and music.
Make a better place to live with the best of your souls!
And be elegant to express it!

domingo, 3 de diciembre de 2023

Official Selections and winners

 The WINNERS are:

BEST FILM: Yusss -- Directed by Roma Linares --- Spain

BEST DIRECTOR: Epycicle --- Directed by Deb Ethier ---- Canada

BEST ANIMATION: No leaders please ---- Directed  by Joan Gratz --- USA

BEST SONG: Wasteland ----  Ilysa Spencer -- Georgia

(We are still waiting some answer of our new venue, and some changings can be happen)

The FINALISTS  for the 2023 season are:

Rasperry Man ------------------ Directed by Slawomir Milewski ----------- Poland

We see different nuances about what we visually see in social life and what social life is all about. Images plenty of dark beauty.

Epycicle ------------ Directed by Deb Ethier ----------- Canada

This animation film has vision of how our human community works, just like birds  renouncing to fly becoming figures of a dead machine. Hope is in the failure of that machine.

Yusss --------------- Directed by Roma Linares --------------- Spain

This is an interesting monologue about what is great in the deepest  sides of ourselves, using the climbing spiritual side of what is behind of this reality.

No leaders, please ------------------------- Directed  by Joan Gratz ---------- USA

This is a poem very well narrated by very good animated paintings, A rebel vision of ourselves.

Ilysa Spencer (Georgia)  sent us an  interesting song called Wasteland with an evocative percussion on it.

El caballo español. El orígen -------------- Directed by Fco Javier Fernández -------- Spain

This is a good revelation of the qualities of the spanish horse narrated in a documentary form.


The physical screenings will be in Delaruinalparaiso headquarters, December 9th. 0:00 am.
And the online screening at the same hour at this website.

viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2022

New call of entries to the 2023 edition


Submit your films and music in here



The Hell Chess Film festival is an event celebrated in Campo de Gibraltar and Madrid, Spain. THE ONLY FILM FESTIVAL IN THE WORLD THAT SENDS A CUSTOMISED REVIEW TO ALL THE SUBMITTERS
This year we got a special Festival with a final surprise of our mission in cinema life.


  We already have a preview session in August the first. for the films:

EL HOMBRE NADA ---------- Directed by P. Dízas ----- SPAIN
THE WAITERS ----------------- Directed by Rose Cameron --------- IRELAND
THE NEXT TIME -------------- Directed by Lilian Gray ------------ CANADA

Delaruinalparaiso Cinema Headquarters,  at 7:00 PM, on July 9.

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2022

Official Selections 2022

 These are the films and Official Selections of this 2022 season.

ASCENDER-------------Directed by Leonardo Barranco (México)

The simplicity and beautifully photographically shot of an ascent to a mountain.

EL NIÑO Y LA MONTAÑA------------ Directed by Santiago Aguilera and David Monreal (Chile)

A well done animation short from the mountaneer passion.

LEGACY----------- Directed by Pamela Falkenberg and Jack Cochran (Canada)

A short sweet piece of the gastronomy poetic culture.

IN SEARCH OF A P-I-G (Song)-Directed by Pasquialini, Stribling,Gault, Takeda & Szarabajka (USA)

The parodic final song of this funny parody of a nonsense pandemic universe.

FALLEN ANGLE.....Directed by Yan Lagoutte --------- (France)

An experimental exercise of broken images plenty of poetic beauty.

THE TRAIL  BEYOND HIGLAND ROAD------- Directed by Eli Copperman.........(USA)

This is an ecological piece of animation with great meaningful values.

NUMBER 37-------- Directed by Alejandro Chab---------(Argentina)

An interesting combination of reality and animation about the battle in the inner world from childhood.

PAN DE CADA DÍA--------- Directed by Manuel Sirgo ------------ (Spain)

An excuse to see Madrid in animation format with a beautiful scenary.

THE HITCHHIKER ........... Writen and performed by Karen Braysher---------- (UK)

This song is like a road movie with sparkling country energy

........... And the program will be completed with the work of our awarded filmmaker David King.

He offers us his majestic film MANSIONS OF ETERNITY and his work as curator with a selection of little magic pieces called  ABODE SILENCE created by the Abodecollective and dedicated to the Ukranian refugees. (OUT OF COMPETITION)

The screening venue, day and time:0:00 hours. Pico del Aljibe. 36°31′03″N 5°36′30″O. This is the peak of Los Alcornocales park. The Open Air ambience will make a wonderful cinema night.