domingo, 11 de agosto de 2019

Official Selection summer 2019

These are the finalists from our festival season. Hundreds of films received to reach this demanding Official Selection. The next September 13 in Jerez we will award the best film of the Hell  Chess Festival 2019.

-Una sola bala.....(Venezuela).... directed by Stuart Rivas

This film is about suicide and what we find interesting is the vision of the impossibility
of escaping from problems after killing yourself. You will be in the mental same place...

All the world is at stage...(Singapore)... directed by Hannes Rall

This brief animation film is based in Shakespeare but what we find appealing is the visual concept, with few brushes his author tells the story of the sad living of many.

Moonflower...(Canada)...directed by Deb Ethier

Moonflower is a very stylish little piece of animation. The classical good taste is what we find more interesting in a world where everything is excessive.

Meltdown...(UK)...directed by Guli Silberstein

It looks like an abstract exercise but it is not. It´s like a documentary critic of we world we live but with  tasty filters and overlapped images with a real beauty.

Thirty pieces...(Australia)...directed by James Weir

This is a film deserved to be watched several times to understand the unexpected final twist of the story and the message regarding drug addiction, religion, salvation or hell.


Apart from these Official selected films we are going to screen out of competition (but past winners) the Sherry Wang´s movies Chess Song and Messages from beyond. These films got a special connection with the soul of our festival and will be screened in our event forever.

And of course our work as filmmaking  society.

See you soon!


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